American Studies.

Week Thirty

Monday, April 15, 2024 7:18 AM


On to World War II

The Mobilization for WWII

United States: In 1936, the U.S. Army ranked nineteenth in size globally, behind Portugal and only slightly ahead of Bulgaria. Its half-strength divisions were scattered across numerous posts, with outdated equipment and reliance on horses—an increasingly anachronistic approach3.

The Mobilization for WWII - Changes on the Homefront 

All the old iron beds were pulled out of the garages and they

were put in the metal drives. The Boy Scouts did a great deal

of that. The city took up the old streetcar lines. It went down

Government and Dauphin Street, and we added those to the

scrap pile. But everyone took part in World War II down to

the youngest child.

— Katherine Phillips, THE WAR


Before World War II, the United States took an isolationist

posture in world affairs. The population was far more concerned

about its own economic well-being than it was with

the political upheaval in Europe and Japan’s imperialistic

activities in Asia. Stories of Japanese and German military

activity had been in the news since the mid-1930s, but for

most Americans these seemed to be very distant events.

America’s military preparedness was not that of a nation

expecting to go to war. Powerful isolationist factions, combined

with a strong pacifist movement and a rejection of the

League of Nations, kept the United States from having any

resemblance to its militaristic counterparts in Europe and

Asia. In 1939, the United States Army ranked 39th in the

world, possessing a cavalry force of 50,000 and using horses

to pull the artillery.

The U.S. government began to understand the threat level

imposed by the Axis powers, and in November 1939 altered

previous neutrality legislation to permit the shipment of war

supplies to China and Europe on a cash-and-carry basis. In

1941, Congress passed the Lend-Lease Act, which actually

placed the United States in a quasi-war between its merchant

fleet and Hitler’s submarines. But the American public was

only semiconscious of these events, and in no way were the

country’s cities, small towns and agricultural regions ready

for war. The “sleeping giant” wouldn’t awaken until Sunday

morning, December 7, 1941.

Once awakened, America began turning out war production

at every level of its industry and agriculture. In the next four

years, entire factories and the towns that they supported

began turning out war materiel at rates that would eventually

outperform all the Axis powers combined.

By 1945, the United States had produced nearly 300,000

warplanes, more than 100,000 tanks, 87,000 warships and

nearly 6 million tons of aircraft bombs. The government

rationed everything from gasoline to silk. The civilian

population chipped in as well, growing victory gardens and

saving rubber from tires and grease from cooking stoves.

Towns like those featured in the film — Luverne,

Minnesota; Sacramento, California; Waterbury, Connecticut;

and Mobile, Alabama — would transform in ways never

imaginable. These changes would have long-lasting

repercussions on these towns and thousands like them all

across the country long after the war ended.

NEWSREEL: An army of 150,000 men, women and children

invaded an American city. Whites, Negroes, Indians, Creoles,

Cajuns — they came from every corner of the land, their

roots in every curve of the globe: Moscow, Indiana; Warsaw,

North Dakota; Hamburg, California; Milan, Missouri;

Baghdad, Kentucky. Some came out of patriotism, some out

of grim necessity, some for a richer life; all came to do a war

job. This could be any one of a hundred great American war

centers. It happens to be Mobile, Alabama, but the story is

the same in every wartown in America.


Now discuss the following questions:

1. This clip was shown in movie houses throughout the

United States during the early days of World War II. It is

obviously structured to be a morale booster. Look closely

at how the script is written. What do you think is the

overall theme of the clip? Why do you think the towns

featured in the quote were selected for this newsreel clip?

How do you think Americans in the early 1940s reacted

to seeing scenes of hundreds of people heading off to work?

2. The clip describes how American factories geared up for

war production and the challenge they faced converting

car manufacturing with 15,000 parts to B-24 bomber

manufacturing with 1,550,000 parts, producing one every

63 minutes. What type of logistics were necessary for this

mobilization? How was the government involved?

3. Describe some of the changes that factories of civilian

products would have to go through to convert to military

production. What is mass production? What is an assembly

line? How are jobs divided up? What other observations

can you make from the newsreel footage about the

factories, the laborers and the materials being produced?

What was the impact of all this war production on American

industry overall?

4. Referring to the newsreel footage presented in the segment,

describe some of the changes that factories of civilian

products would have to go through to convert to military

production. What other observations can you make from

the newsreel footage about the factories, the laborers and

the materials being produced? What was the impact of all

this war production on American industry overall?

5. Mobile, Alabama’s employment doubled in shipbuilding

and dry dock facilities as 150,000 people came in from all

parts of the region to work in defense plants. Many of

those people were from poor rural communities, including

many African Americans. Describe some of the personal

reasons why these people sought employment in Mobile

and some of the challenges they faced once they got there.

What were some reasons for the negative reactions residents

of Mobile had toward the newcomers?

6. By 1943, six million women had entered the workforce,

nearly half of them working in defense plants, doing jobs

previously reserved for men. Life magazine paid tribute to

these “Rosie the Riveters” as neither drudges nor slaves,

but the heroines of a new order. What is meant by this

statement? How did their experience change previous attitudes

about women in the workplace? How did it affect

women and their families? How did it affect society?

7. The original residents of Mobile also had to make adjustments

to the influx of workers coming to work in the

defense plants. Describe some of the strains the quick

increase in population had on the town’s infrastructure

and services. Many of the people arriving from the rural

areas did not have the same lifestyle as the permanent

residents of Mobile. Describe some of the characteristics

of their lifestyle and the reactions by the residents of

Mobile. What was the ever-present binding force that

was on all their minds, and how did it help to bring

them all together?

Rationing and Recycling


1. Develop a list of some of the major items that civilians in

the United States rationed, recycled or just went without

during World War II.

2.How were these items used in the war effort?

3. How did the Depression help prepare many Americans for

doing without the “luxury” items? After the war, recycling

was discontinued. It began again, slowly, after the 1960s

on a volunteer basis. Why do you think Americans didn’t

continue to recycle items after the war?

4. How do you explain the contradiction between Americans

whose act of rationing and recycling made them feel they

were part of the war effort and the emergence of a black

market for goods during the war?

5. How did rationing and recycling contribute to a sense of

community? Do you think Americans today would ration

to contribute to a war effort?

Look at the following WWII propaganda posters. What themes do you notice? What are the subliminal messages in each post?

HT Discussion: What transformation is happening on the homefront during WWII?

Homework- Read pages 704-717 in the textbook.


The Atomic Age

The Manhattan Project

- Overview

- Espionage at Los Alamos

The Development of the Cold War

- Origins of the Cold War

Know the definitions for:

1. Truman Doctrine

2. Marshall Plan


How does US foreign policy change during the aftermath of WWII?

Postwar Economy and Culture

Post-War Economy- The War certainly changed America on the home front, but how do things change after the war? What did we learn from WWI?

Homework- Read pages 717-727 in the textbook


Reading Time: Read to page 20 in Fahrenheit 451.

Intro to Fahrenheit 451

“We need not to be let alone. We need to be really bothered once in a while. How long is it  since you were really bothered?  About something important,  about something real?” Montag, Fahrenheit 451

Return to the Cave - Read Plato’s Allegory of the Cave

“Maybe the books can get us half out of the cave. They just might stop us from making the same damn insane mistakes! I don't hear those idiot bastards in your parlor talking about it. God, Millie, don't you see? An hour a day, two hours, with these books, and maybe…"'

"Nobody listens any more. I can't talk to the walls because they're yelling at me. I can't talk to my wife; she listens to the walls. I just want someone to hear what I have to say. And maybe if I talk long enough, it'll make sense. And I want you to teach me to understand what I read." 

Questioning Truth and Reality

- If Plato presents the shadows, or images, as a false and misleading reality would he think the same way about art?

  • Look closely at the evolution of Greek sculpture. How does this serve as a visual example of Plato’s philosophy? 

The Road to Enlightenment

Compare the message delivered through these two school crests (Harvard and Oxford), the Allegory of the Cave, and connections to specific passages in Fahrenheit 451.


Conformity and McCarthyism

- Senator from Wisconsin during the 1950’s, and a former Marine

- Gained national recognition due to a 1950 speech he delivered in Wheeling, WV

- In this speech, he accused a list of 205 members of the U.S. State Department  of being members of the Communist Party.

  • McCarthy and America feared the spread of Communism.

“Fear transformed American Communists from a minor nuisance into a national obsession. Fear created McCarthyism, an intense effort to root out Communists from every corner of American society by any means necessary—even if those means violated traditional American values: Due process. Civil liberties. Constitutional rights.”

“The culture of fear created a society of conformity, a politics of repudiation. The results weren't always pretty. Senator Joseph McCarthy, the most prominent Communist-hunter of the period, was a reckless alcoholic demagogue. Unknown numbers of innocents had their lives ruined by a loyalty-security apparatus that knew few checks or balances.”

How does the fear of being different change us as individuals? How would it change a society?

Levittown- A Conformist Utopia

  • A newer and simpler American Dream for all?
  • Who is in...and who is out in this “paradigm” for 1950’s society. Levittown housing policies.

Homework- Read to page 60.